Friday, April 28, 2017

Research Project

The research project was so much fun. Not only did i get to talk about a subject i enjoy but i also got to present it. I love public speaking and creating visual presentations. Throughout this research project i learned some extra facts that i never even thought about, which was interesting because i already knew a decent amount of information about the Dark and Deep web. When i present i try to see it as a challenge to keep people interested and to not let them fall asleep in their seats. That is why i try to keep my audience involved in my presentation for example i could ask "with a show of hands who can tell me x, y, and z". Interacting with the audience can get them to pay more attention to your presentation which makes it better and easier for you. That is honestly why i loved doing this little project.

Media Journal

Completing the media journal project was interesting and fun. At the end of the completing the project did not surprise me because i knew most of my time would be held up with video games, school work, and music. I used music the most no surprise there (considering i listen to music while playing video games and doing school work). However, these statistics are prior to me getting a job. Now that i have a job i have less time to play video games AND complete school work. Getting this job meant that i would have to approach my responsibilities with better time management. Overall i enjoyed doing the media journal project because it was kind of fun and easy. I did not learn much but the one thing i did learn is that music is always going to be used in my daily life.

Drug Advertisement

Image result for drug commercialsMany countries have banned drug commercials. America is one of the very few countries that have not banned drug commercials.... why? Because money. Everything is always about money. Think about it opium comes from poppy plants. Opium used to be prescribed to patients or people would see advertisements for opium and hear all these "good" things about it. Either patients who were prescribed opium or just everyday people who saw advertisement for it would think that opium is good for them just because a doctor said it was. Opium is one of the most addicting drugs out there and is also one of the main ingredients in heroin. So why again was opium sold and advertised everywhere? Money. In my opinion, drug commercials should be completely banned everywhere.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Fast and Furious franchise

Image result for fate of the furiousThe Fast and Furious franchise is amazing. Some people complain that the franchise is going overboard (that may be true) however the story is very interesting. Considering they started as street racer punks who just raced on the streets and went to car meets. Now they are helping military/police forces, are destroying huge parts of cities, and dropping car out of airplanes. It is a huge difference compared to before. The franchise does grab the viewer and keep them intrigued and glued to their seats. With each movie the story in my opinion lessens and they focus more on the action than the story. Like i said in the beginning of this post i do love the story it is amazing but i do also feel the story lessens with each movie sadly. If you are looking for fast cars and an action packed movie with a meaningful story i would 120% recommend this movie.

The Walking Dead media review

Image result for The walking deadAMC's The Walking Dead is an amazing show in my opinion. It is suspenseful and thrilling. At first I did not enjoy the show because I thought it was too "mainstream" but once my friend showed me the show, I had realized the show itself is actually good and left me wanting more. The story takes place in a post apocalyptic world where many people are trying to survive. The main characters are constantly meeting different communities and groups fighting and cooperating with them however, there is always some conflicts. Sometimes the story is a little redundant but some episodes have plot twists that will surprise the viewer. Overall if you like thrillers and are interested in the post apocalyptic type world I would 110% recommend this show.